About Ms. Krista Dancy
I am a Graduate Student at Appalachian State University earning my Masters in Elementary Education. Let's learn to be readers and writers together!
Here's a little bit of information about me!
What I love:
trying new foods--I have recently started cooking for myself more and love new recipes!
spending time with family and friends--being by myself is something that I don't enjoy so being around others always lifts my mood!
READING--I just started Becoming by Michelle Obama and can't wait to finish it!
making time for myself--when the weather is warm I love to go for walks.
teaching, of course!
How I look:
light brown hair
green eyes
medium height--some people say tall but I am the shortest in my family.
absolutely nothing like my twin sister, Kelly!
What I dislike:
traffic!--not only does it make me late, but it makes me nervous!
being told that I can't do something--I like to believe that I can do anything that I really want if I work hard at it.
being late--I always try to be ten minutes early!