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We are All Readers and Writers

Welcome to We are All Readers and Writers, a unique blog here for you to explore. We are All Readers and Writers has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

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And just like that, I'm done.

I have completed my poetry lesson sequence that I was lucky to teach in a wonderful class and I have completed my final assignment and I...

We are all poets!

This week I have been teaching poetry to third grade students for an hour each day. The focus of my poetry lessons this week was for...

Here's to you!

Earlier this semester, I shouted out to Chrissy for using the phrase "Practice What You Teach." Throughout the entire semester Chrissy...

6 Rooms and 1 Poem

There are so many ways and strategies to help students to write their own poetry. One strategy that I just learned of while reading...

Using Other People's Words to Describe Ourselves

In Awakening the Heart by Georgia Heard, there are many ideas of how to incorporate poetry in the classroom. One way that I intend to...

I'm a poet and I know it

But actually...I have never considered myself to be a writer of poetry or read a lot of poetry. However, I am aware that all it takes to...

Ask me questions and I'll give you details

A narrative revision strategy that I used in my writing this week was to ask questions to provide more detail. This strategy is something...

Your Turn Lessons

Here is a lesson that I modeled after a "Your Turn Lesson" from Mentor Texts: Teaching Writing Through Children's Literature, K-6. This...

There with me

While reading "Mentor Texts: Teaching Writing through Children's Literature, K-6" (Dorfman & Cappelli, 2017) I thought that I would like...

Mentor Texts Ch. 1-3 & Other Readings

The information that I have taken in from Mentor Texts (2017) by Lynne R. Dorfman & Rose Cappelli has opened doors for me as a reading...

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